Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Live with a Ninja

That's right.  I live with a self proclaimed ninja.  Here's how this happened:

We are making dinner this evening and I ask Arnold to start making a sauce that involves fresh orange juice.  Arnold gets the oranges out of the fridge, pulls a knife out, and then starts talking about how he wants to get new knives.  I am only half listening because most of the time he talks a lot nonsense.  He is going on about wanting those knives that cut through anything and how he wants them so he can slice the oranges in half as they fly through the air.  Well, this turns into "I think I'm going to try it anyway with this knife".  So, he throws an orange in the air, swings his knife, and what do you know?  He slices it right in half.

This of course is followed immediately by "Whoa!!!!" and "Awesome!!!".  That wasn't from me.  It was kinda neat though.  Convinced that this was just a freak chance thing Arnold happened to pull off, I asked him to do it again.  He did, and it worked again.  He cut another orange in half.  And then cut that half in half.

When asked what he just did, his reply was "I just cut an orange in half...like a ninja.  That's right, I'm a ninja."  So now, I not only have a dog, baby, and husband to keep track of, but I have a 30 year old ninja living in the house too.