Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Best Friends

Since we brought Jackson home from the hospital, our dog Willow has noticed Jackson but Jackson hasn't paid much attention to Willow...until yesterday.  I was sitting on the couch holding J in my lap and Willow was laying next to us.  This isn't really anything new.  For a long time Willow has just laid on the couch right next to me and J.  But yesterday, for the first time, Jackson noticed Willow.  He looked at her and with two hands, reached for her.  Willow loved this.  She sat up and started licking Jackson's hands.  And Jackson got ahold of Willow and wouldn't...let...go.  Willow went to town.  She starting licking Jackson's legs, toes, neck, the back of his head, and finally his mouth.  You would think that Jack wouldn't like this.  That he would turn away or start to fuss or something.  Nope.  Instead, Jackson stuck his tongue out, grabbed Willow's ears, and pulled Willow closer to him.  It was hilarious!  Unfortunately I wasn't able to get any pictures of this.  And it figured it was just a funny one time thing.  Wrong.  Today, again, I was holding J and Willow was next to us.  As soon as Jackson noticed Willow and began reaching for her, Willow was all over him.  I got a few good pictures of this but it was difficult they were both moving so much.

Now before you say I'm a horrible mom, J was not in any danger and once I got the pictures, I separated the two of them.  It was difficult, because Willow kept coming back and Jackson kept reaching for her, but I did it.  I'm just glad Jackson has found a friend.


  1. Jace LOVES our cat. He will lay on her, grab her fur, pull, hit on head, etc...which surprisingly she takes in stride. I love when they find new little fur friends. Jackson is adorable.

  2. Thank you! Yes, most pets are really good with babies. They take so much!
