Thursday, October 3, 2013

11 Months Old!

What?  He's 11 months old already?  Wasn't he just in my belly?  That's right, Jackson is 11 months old already.  Crazy!  Such a sweet 11 month old!
Jackson has changed so much over the last month.  I think he's made the most changes this past month.  He is doing so many things now!  Here is what I've observed:

-Jackson is crawling!  He is quite fast now.
-Jackson can pull himself up and does so often using the coffee table and my legs.
-Jack can walk a few step when assisted or when using his walker.
-Jack often blows raspberries and says "mama" and "dada"
-He can now clap!  J claps when we say "yay!", clap ourselves, or just ask him to clap.
-Jackson points to objects including pictures of mama and daddy.
-Jackson has begun to say "mama" and "dada" referring to us but not to get our attention yet.
-He gives us kisses when was ask for them (and when he feels like it).
-Jack greatly enjoys chasing Willow, especially since he's fast now!
-J puts his hand over his mouth and makes the "ahhh" sound.
-Jackson still dances (waves his arms in the air, bobs his head, swivels his hips) whenever he hears electronic baby music and has begun to dance to big people music
-When we start laughing Jackson will laugh too.
-Jackson will pick things up and hand them to us.
-Jack enjoys reading books and loves to be read to.  He is so attentive when we read books to him.  We recently learned however, that Jack does NOT like pop-up books.  Those are really scary.
-Jackson likes to drop balls on the hardwood floor to listen to them make noise.
-Jackson likes to play in Willow's water, with diapers and clean laundry, and attempts to go inside the refrigerator whenever it is open.

I can't wait to see what this boy does next!!


  1. I can not believe how quickly this year has passed! Stanley is so much better at his reading and loves to read "The Adventurers of Jack" (your blog)
