Sunday, January 19, 2014

Trust me, you don't want a picture of this.

For the past few days Jackson has had a diaper rash that we couldn't get to go away.  I did some research and found that one of the best ways to clear up a diaper rash is to clean the bum with water and then let it air dry for a few minutes before putting a diaper back on.  So I did this.  I knew this was risky but I there's nothing I can't clean up right?  I started Friday night.  I let J run around without anything on the bottom and luckily, there were no accidents.  Saturday morning he woke up and his bum looked much better.  So we continued doing this throughout the day every time we changed his diaper.  In the morning he peed on the floor a few times, which wasn't a big deal.  We were out for much of the day but when we got home, around 4:00, I let him run free for a bit again.  This time didn't go so well.  I took off his diaper and then we went into the living room and were playing with a few toys on the carpet.  I smelled something not so nice and I checked Jack's bum but didn't see anything.  I figured he just had some gas.  Jackson then walked into his playpen area and was standing on a puzzle and pulling books out of a basket.  Arnold walked into the room and also commented that it smelled like poop.  We looked around the room and didn't see anything, and I knew he hadn't pooped because I was playing with him the entire time he had his diaper off.  Well, while we were searching the room, we go into the playpen to get Jackson and what do we find?  Poop on his wooden puzzle that he had knelt in, rolled off onto another puzzle, and fragments that had somehow gotten smashed onto the covers of about 8 books.  Awesome.  Needless to say we immediately put him in the bath and collected all of this poop toys.  After a couple of hours, Jackson was bathed and his toys were disinfected.  I collect all the towels and walk back into our bathroom to put them in the hamper and what do I find?  More poop on the floor in our bedroom.  This was what I had initially smelled when we came into the living room.  After I had first taken Jackson's diaper off of him, I went into my bathroom to wash my hands and then went into the living room to play.  Jackson follows me all over the house, and he did this time too, with just enough time to poop on the floor as I left the bedroom and he trailed behind.

I didn't take any pictures of this situation, because it would have been way too gross, but here is a picture of the perpetrator getting clean in the bath.
He's still cute as ever! In case you were wondering, we continued risking it and let him roam free again today.  Luckily no more poop accidents and more importantly, the diaper rash is just about gone!

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