Monday, December 30, 2013

And He's Off!

It's official!  He's off and running!  Well, not exactly running, but moving quickly.  On Sunday, December 1, 2013, while we were hanging out and playing in the living room, Jackson decided to take his first steps.  He took a few steps and then slowly sat down.  He didn't do much more walking that day and we weren't able to catch it on video but after a few days of walk with support (holding our hands), he walked again by himself.  It wasn't really until December 6th that Jackson felt confident enough to walk around by himself.  Here is a video of him on December 15th.
When this was taken he was still crawling more than he was walking but now, he is pretty much walking everywhere!  He can stand up by pushing up from the ground now and every once in a while, will really get moving quickly.  It is very exciting but we are even busier now then ever!  So much more to explore and get into!

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