Thursday, June 13, 2013


A few weeks ago Jackson and Willow (12 years old) were tied with teeth:

They each had one.  Willow's is much longer and pointier while Jackson's was just a tiny stump.  When Jack was born Willow was excited to no longer be the family member with the least amount of teeth.  About 3 weeks ago things started going wrong when J's first tooth poked through.  Willow wasn't thrilled, but she was okay with it since they were on equal ground, both with one tooth.  But now, things are really bad.  This happened:

Baby J has two teeth now.  Twice as many as Willow.  And Willow still only has one.  Not good.


  1. POOR Willow. It must be tough to only have 1 tooth...LOL this post made me laugh. :)

  2. I knew the first ones partner wouldn't be far behind. Reading this reminds me of the silly commercial about doggie dentures :)
