Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our Trip Downtown

Yesterday we took J downtown for the first time.  We planned on leaving around 12 but Arnold had to install Jackson's big boy car seat and needed to get it just right.  We ended up leaving around 3 but Jack seemed to enjoy the seat, falling right asleep.

We got to the train station and tried to transfer Jackson to his stroller while sleeping but that didn't really work.  He's such a great baby though; he didn't seem to mind.  After carrying Jackson, his stroller, and all his things up 2 flights of stairs, we were on the train for the first time!

Jackson didn't really know what was going on and despite all the noise, ended up falling back asleep.

We got of the train at Harrison in Printer's Row and walked around the Lit fest for a few hours.  It was a book festival/artsy festival.  We got a couple of cute books for Jackson and then he took his picture for Monsters University.

I know, cheesy, but super cute.

After the festival we walked across the street to Joe and Ashley's house to watch the Hawk's game.  Jackson went right down to sleep (thank you!), we had a great meal cooked by Joe and watched a great game.  Fun times with my family and friends!!

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